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October 20, 2017

International Roundtable "Italian Language and Cinema, Italian Language in Cinema"

Beginning: at 11:40 AM.

Karazin University is pleased to invite everyone interested to participate in the roundtable “Italian Language and Cinema, Italian Language in Cinema” dedicated to the XVII Week of the Italian Language in the World. The event will be held under the auspices of the President of Italy.

The participants of the rountable will be instructors and researchers of Karazin University, The “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy), Lyceum Visso of Imperia (Italy), Dante Center for European Culture (Kharkiv).

Special guest — Italian director and screenwriter Andrea Magnani.

In addition, the event agenda includes a presentation of the calendar “Italian Language and Cinema, Italian Language in Cinema” designed by the students of Karazin University School of Foreign Languages.

Working languages: Italian, Ukrainian, Russian

Beginning: at 11:40, on October 20, 2017

Venue: room 2-49, 2nd floor, University Main Building, 4 Svobody Sq.

Admission is free.

Originally posted at