Bachelor's Degree

Applicants on the basis of complete general secondary education for full-time education, except for those who have the right to participate in the competition based on the results of entrance exams, enrollment by interview and quotas, submit applications only in electronic form.

The application is submitted by filling out an electronic form online by the applicant in accordance with the Procedure for submitting and reviewing applications in electronic form for participation in the competitive selection to higher educational institutions.

All other categories of entrants submit documents in paper form to the Admissions Committee within the time limits set for the reception of documents.

The entrant has the opportunity to submit copies of documents that are certified by the originals by the admission committee or in accordance with the procedure established by law. At the same time, copies of documents without presenting the originals are not considered.

Originals of documents when participating in the competition are submitted by the entrant only once (fulfillment of enrollment requirements). Persons who have not submitted to the Admission Committee the originals of documents on the educational (educational qualification) level and supplements to it, certificates of external independent evaluation and other documents provided for by the Rules of Admission to the University within the established period lose the right to enroll in state-ordered education, as well as in study at the expense of state preferential long-term loans.

In case of submitting an application in paper form, applicants provide the following documents:

■a copy of the document certifying identity and citizenship;

■a copy of the state-recognized document on the previously obtained educational (educational qualification) level, on the basis of which the admission is made, and

■a copy of its appendix;

■a copy of the certificate(s) of external independent evaluation (for entrants on the basis of complete general secondary education); four color photographs measuring 3×4 cm.

The application in paper form assumes the applicant's consent to the processing of personal data.

Other copies of documents are submitted by the entrant, if it is caused by the special conditions of admission to the relevant competitive offers, established by law, within the terms specified for the reception of documents.

Originals of documents when participating in the competition are submitted by the entrant only once (fulfillment of enrollment requirements).

Master's Degree

For admission to the University, applicants submit the following documents (in paper form):

■application for participation in the competitive selection;

■a copy of the state-recognized document on previously obtained education, on the basis of which the admission is made, and an appendix to it;

■a copy of the document certifying identity and citizenship;

■4 photographs 3×4;

■copies of documents confirming the entrant's right to participate in the competition based on the results of entrance exams, enrollment by interview, enrollment under quotas (if any);

■certificate of fluorographic examination (for 2017);

■For men, a military ID or registration certificate.

All copies of documents are certified by the originals by the Admission Committee or in accordance with the procedure established by law. Copies of documents without the provision of originals will not be considered.