Postgraduate and Doctoral Programs

The PhD programme is offered at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

PhD in Philology with a degree in philology;

Specialisations: Germanic languages, foreign literature, translation studies

Field of science 035 - Philology of the educational level: III (educational and scientific) level of higher education


PhD in philology, specialisation in Germanic languages, PhD in philology, specialisation in foreign literature,

PhD in Philology, specialisation in Translation Studies

With a generalised field of activity: higher education, science, translation studies, literary and publishing industry, public administration.

The standard duration of study (full-time) is four years.

In order to ensure the quality of the educational and scientific components of PhD training, the introduction and implementation of a comprehensive system that combines an interconnected set of both internal and external elements is envisaged:

- publication of scientific articles on the selected research topic, reflecting the results of the postgraduate student's scientific research and written in accordance with the requirements of the State Attestation Service of Ukraine; publication of articles in leading Ukrainian and foreign publications included in international scientometric databases (SCOPUS, Index Citation System, Web of Science, etc.) and having a high impact factor, certifying the appropriate level and relevance of the research performed;

- deepening of theoretical knowledge in the field of philological sciences and acquisition of practical skills and abilities in the course of studying academic disciplines makes it possible to improve the quality of the postgraduate student's own research, and also provides for mandatory publication of thematic articles on the subject of his/her research, which include elements of research and communication competencies acquired in the course of studying these disciplines, etc;

- conducting own analytical research is the basis for ensuring the quality component of obtaining scientific results that will form the basis for the preparation of the dissertation, in particular, when performing the relevant stage of complex research state budget topics of the School of Philology;

- testing of research results during national and international scientific and practical conferences on relevant topics, discussion of research materials at scientific and methodological seminars and round tables with the involvement of leading experts in the speciality, publication of abstracts and writing articles in the field of dissertation work (in accordance with the current requirements approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine);

- external review and competitive selection of articles for publication by leading professional journals, including those published by V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, as well as scientific journals included in international scientometric databases, which ensures the implementation of the principles of implementing a system of qualitative verification of the scientific level of research, the validity of the conclusions drawn and the author's proposals for solving existing problems;

- verification of scientific articles and dissertations for plagiarism ensures compliance with the standards and requirements for the independence of scientific research, individual contribution to solving a specific scientific problem, as well as to theoretical and/or experimental results important for the development of a scientific field of science, etc;

- preparation and presentation of a report on the teaching assistantship; summing up the results of the practice is open and evaluated taking into account the timeliness of submission of the necessary documents, the quality of the prepared report, the general feedback and the results of the student survey. The results of the teaching assistantship are discussed at departmental meetings, and the general results of the practice are summed up at meetings of the Academic Council of the School of Philology;

- intermediate and final certification of postgraduate students. In the course of studying academic disciplines, the knowledge and performance of postgraduate students is checked using a rating system. The final certification involves a public defence of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy; the academic title of Doctor of Philosophy in the speciality is awarded by the relevant specialised academic council of the university;

- a general positive conclusion on the dissertation certifies that it has theoretical and practical value, is performed at the proper level, represents a completed independent scientific research in which new scientifically sound results have been obtained, which in the aggregate solve a specific scientific problem of significant importance for a particular field of science; or in which new scientifically sound theoretical and (or) experimental results have been obtained, which in the aggregate are significant for the development of a specific area of a particular field of science.

The results of the educational and professional programme for the preparation of PhDs in Philology are the awarding of the appropriate academic qualification in accordance with the Classification of Occupations DK 003:2010, approved by the Order of the State Committee of Ukraine for Consumer Protection and Quality of 28.07.2010, No. 327. Taking into account the real needs of the labour market, graduates of the postgraduate programme have the following employment prospects:

1) Positions of assistant, lecturer, associate professor at a higher education institution (teaching theoretical and practical philological disciplines).

2) Positions of a research philologist, philologist, literary critic, translation expert, junior researcher, research assistant, research consultant at a research institution, such as: Institute of Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

3) Positions of scientific editor, literary editor in the literary and publishing industry, in print and electronic media, PR technologies, in various humanitarian foundations and foundations, museums, art and cultural centres, etc.

4. Position of a philologist-analyst or translation expert in the field of professional employment in structural units dealing with education, science and culture, youth, family, religion, etc.

5.The position of a consultant and translation expert in the apparatus of state authorities, executive committees in the system of state administration and local self-government (ministries, departments, state administrations, etc.), the State Employment Service, the Security Service of Ukraine, etc.

Preparation of doctors of philosophy in speciality 035 “Philology”:

Education and scientific program of preparation of doctors of philosophy in postgraduate studies at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University in specialty “Philology” (specializations: Ukrainian language, russian language, Ukrainian literature, russian literature, German languages, literature of foreign countries, translation and interpretation studies)

Syllabuses (2022-2023)

Staffing plan

Material and technical support

Methodological support

Informational support

Consolidated statements on following licensed terms in the sphere of higher education

Documents of the Head of the project group

Attachments: staff requirements on the provision of implementation of educational activity in the sphere of higher education; Technical requirements on the provision of material and technical support of educational activity in the sphere of higher education; Technical requirements on the provision of methodological support of educational activity in the sphere of higher education; Technical requirements on the provision of informational support of educational activity in the sphere of higher education.

Attachment: Description of the documents that are submitted for obtaining the license for carrying out educational activity or expansion of carrying out educational activity in the sphere of higher education (except for an increase in licensed amount)

Syllabuses of academic disciplines

Annotations to academic disciplines

Teaching materials