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April 28, 2016

Workshop "Art-Ad'-Art"

Workshop "Art-Ad'-Art"

The lecture-workshop took place with the participation of the invited lecturers Viktoriia Korytina and Kostiantyn Zorkin.

On April 25, the School of Foreign Languages held the lecture-workshop "Art-Ad'-Art". The event took place with the participation of the invited lecturers: commercial designer Viktoriia Korytina, and artist, expert in art, Kostiantyn Zorkin.

The lecture-workshop was held within the framework of the specialized course “Media Communication” taught by Associate Professor of the Department of English Language, Anastasiia Pshenychnykh.

The first part of the workshop provided for interactive work in small groups that were to come up with an idea for advertising a particular product. The students felt like a team of creators, “brainstormed” the ideas, tested the methods proposed, and came to bright and innovative solutions.

The next part of the workshop addressed the borders, interaction between advertisement and art discussing the following ideas: “Images of Advertisement in Art”, “Advertisment and Art: Similarities and Differences”, “What is to be an Artist and а Creator?”, “Art of Advertisment and Art of Art”, “Advertisment of Art”. The discussion relied on the works of pop-art and social art.

We would like to thank the lecturers for the interesting delivery and the original way of organizing the work with the orientation to the audience, and the students and faculty for participating in the creative activities.

Presentation (PDF, 3.23 Mb)