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December 1, 2016

Creative Works Contest of German “DEUTSCH KREATIV”

Works submission deadline: December 1, 2016.

The Department of German and French Languages would like to sincerely congratulate the winners of the DEUTSCH KREATIV contest of 2015:

І placeRuslan Kharlov;
ІІ place Viola Basova and Oleksanr Prasol
ІІІ place Liliana Vnukova, Mariia Krasnobrizha, Anastasiia Sorokopud, and Anastasiia Khmeleva.

and is pleased to invite 9-11th graders of secondary schools to participate in the University creative works contest of German “DEUTSCH KREATIV”. Everyone willing to participate in the contest is to email their compositions to the Department of French and German Languages ( on the topic:

Stell dir vor: Du hast die Möglichkeit eine prominente Persönlichkeit Deutschlands, Österreichs oder der Schweiz zu interviewen. Wer könnte das sein? Warum gerade diese Person? Welche Fragen würdest du an die stellen?

Requirements for creative works participating in the contest:

  • total size of a work: 200-250 words;
  • works submission deadline: December 1, 2016;
  • works should be literate, coherent, logically constructed and original.

The results of the I round (creative works) will be published on the website of the School of Foreign Languages on December 14, 2016. The winners of this round will be invited to participate in the next round to be held at the Department of German and French Languages on December 16, 2016.

The II round will consist of the interview on challenging issues of the modern world.

Winners will be awarded diplomas and prizes. The results of the contest will be published on the website of the School of Foreign Languages on December 21, 2016.

We wish all the participants good luck!

Contact Information

Telephone: (057) 707-54-53 (German and French languages)

Email: (German and French languages)