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December 25, 2017

Project “Parents. Children. University”: Call for Participation

We are pleased to invite everyone interested to participate in the project.

Karazin University is pleased to invite everyone interested to participate in the project “Parents. Children. University” initiated by the Advertising and Branding Department of the Center for Public Relations.

Its purpose is to combine the three components of a successful person of the future: happy childhood, parental upbringing and the University care by using photographs. Karazin University is interested in training and developing perspective, artistic and creative young people, so it paternally takes care of each student.

To participate in the project, please fill in the application form.

The project will be functioning until December 25, 2017.

Contact Information

Теlephone: + 380 (50) 979-83-66 — Svitlana Iziumska, a photographer of the Advertising and Branding Department.

Originally posted on