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August 10, 2014

The Recommended for Enrollment in Master’s and Specialist’s Degree Programs

The Recommended for Enrollment in Master’s and Specialist’s Degree Programs

The lists of the recommended have been published.

The lists of the recommended for enrollment in the School of Foreign Languages for full-time and part-time studies on state demand under Master’s and Specialist’s degree programs are given below. They are also available on the stands of the Admissions Committee and on the website Karazin University Entrant.

for Master’s degree programs


full-time studies

part-time studies

Philology. Language and Literature (English)

Philology. Language and Literature (German)

Philology. Language and Literature (French)

Philology. Translation (English)

Philology. Translation (German)

Philology. Translation (French)

Philology. Translation (Spanish)

Philology. Translation (Chinese)

foe Specialist's degree programs


full-time studies

part-time studies

Philology. Language and Literature (English)

Philology. Language and Literature (German)

Philology. Language and Literature (French)

Philology. Translation (English)

Philology. Translation (German)

Philology. Translation (French)

Philology. Translation (китайська мова)

Enrollment of applicants on state demand for full-time and part-time studies will take place on August 15, enrollment of applicants on contract basis – on August 27.