Senior lab assistant, lecturer at the Department of German and French Languages.


  • 1972 — graduation with distinction from the School of Foreign Languages, “German Language and Literature”, M. Gorky Kharkiv State University (currently: V. N. Karazin National University).

Professional Career:

  • since 1975 — lab assistant and lecturer of German, Department of German Philology;
  • since 1976 — senior lab assistant and lecturer of German, Department of German Philology;
  • since September, 2005 — lab assistant and lecturer, Department of German and French Languages, V. N. Karazin National University.

While working at the Department of German Philology she taught German for first- and second-year students (German Division), and German as a second language. She was a trade-union organizer of the Department for 20 years. She has co-authored two study guides for students of the School of Chemistry and a study guide for students of the School of Medicine and the School of Biology

Research Interests:
Intercultural communication, linguistic and cultural studies.


  • German Language for Non-Germanist Students (I-IV years); German as Second Language.

Main Scientific Works:

  • O. Buhai, O. Masterova. Study guide for first- and second-year students of the School of Chemistry “German language for students of the School of Chemistry” Second part. Kharkiv : Kharkivskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni V. N. Karazina, 2006. – 76 s.
  • O. Buhai, O. Masterova. German language for students of the School of Chemistry. Part III / Study guide. Kharkiv : Kharkivskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni V. N. Karazina, 2009. – 108 s.O. Buhai, P. Husieva, L. Mazur, N. Neskorodieva. German language for students of the School of Biology and the School of Medicine / Study guide. Kharkiv : Kharkivskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni V. N. Karazina, 2009. – 128 sBuhay O. M., Polyezhayeva T. (u spivavtorstvi zi studentkoyu).Das humane Papillomvirus in der Gynäkologie. Materialy student·sʹkoyi on-line konferentsiyi “Suchasni tendentsiyi u nautsi” – KH.: Kharkivsʹkyy natsionalʹnyy universytet imeni V. N. Karazina. – 2012. S.8-10.
  • Buhay O. M., Samoylenko K.(u spivavtorstvi zi studentkoyu). Transplantation. Materialy student·sʹkoyi on-line konferentsiyi “Suchasni tendentsiyi u nautsi” – KH.: Kharkivsʹkyy natsionalʹnyy universytet imeni V. N. Karazina. – 2012. s. S.10-12.
  • Buhay O. M., Holʹbaum M.(u spivavtorstvi zi studentom). DasGeheimnisunsererPersönlichkeit. Materialy student·sʹkoyi on-line konferentsiyi “Suchasni tendentsiyi u nautsi” – KH.: Kharkivsʹkyy natsionalʹnyy universytet imeni V. N. Karazina. – 2013. S. 7- 8.
  • Buhay O. M., Horobetsʹ L. (u spivavtorstvi zi studentkoyu). InteressanteFakten überMedizin. Suchasni tendentsiyi u nautsi: zbirnyk student·sʹkykh naukovykh pratsʹ – KH.: Kharkivsʹkyy natsionalʹnyy universytet imeni V. N. Karazina, 2014. – 92 c. S. 20-22.
  • Buhay O.M., Toryanyk H. (u spivavtorstvi zi studentkoyu). Probleme von vernachlässigten Krankheiten in der modernen Gesellschaft. Suchasni tendentsiyi u nautsi: zbirnyk student·sʹkykh naukovykh pratsʹ – KH.: Kharkivsʹkyy natsionalʹnyy universytet imeni V. N. Karazina, 2015. – 123 c. S. 30-34.
  • Buhay O.M., Nyemyetseva I. (u spivavtorstvi zi studentkoyu) Apitherapie.NatürlicheSpritze Suchasni tendentsiyi u nautsi: zbirnyk student·sʹkykh naukovykh pratsʹ – KH.: Kharkivsʹkyy natsionalʹnyy universytet imeni V. N. Karazina, 2015. – 123 c. S. 22-25.
  • Bugai O. M., Polyezhayeva T. (co-authored with a student) .Das humane Papillomvirus in der Gynäkologie. Materials of the student on-line conference "Modern Trends in Science" - Kh .: Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazin. - 2012. p.8-10.
  • Bugai O. M., Samoilenko K. (in co-authorship with a student). Transplantation Materials of the student on-line conference "Modern Trends in Science" - Kh .: Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazin. - 2012.
  • Bugai O. M., Holbaum M. (in co-authorship with a student).DasGeheimnisunsererPersönlichkeit. Materials of the student on-line conference "Modern Trends in Science" - Kh .: Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazin. - 2013. pp. 7-8.
  • Bugai O. M., Gorobets L. (in co-authorship with a student). InteressanteFakten überMedizin. Contemporary trends in science: a collection of student scientific works - Kh .: Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin, 2014 - 92 c. Pp. 20-22.
  • Bugai O. M., Toroyan G. (in co-authorship with a student). Probleme von vernachlässigten Krankheiten in der modernen Gesellschaft. Modern trends in science: a collection of student research papers - Kh .: Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin, 2015. - 123 c. Pp. 30-34.
  • Bugai OM, Nemetseva I. (in co-authorship with a student) Apitherapie.NatürlicheSpritze Modern trends in science: a collection of student scientific papers - Kh. Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin, 2015. - 123 c. Pp. 22-25.