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February 17, 2014

Exhibition “Albert Camus 1913–2013”

Everyone interested is welcome to attend the exhibition dedicated to Albert Camus.

On February 17, 2014 Karazin University is hosting the Opening Ceremony of the exhibition “Albert Camus 1913-2013”, initiated by the Department of Romance Philology and Translation of the School of Foreign Languages and Kharkiv French Institute, with a round-table discussion to be held within the framework of the exposition.

The digital interactive exhibition is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the famous writer’s birth. Aside from Ukraine, it is also set up in Greece, Egypt, Israel, Canada, Morocco, Germany, Russia, the USA, Turkey and a number of countries in South America.

Visitors of the exhibition will have a chance to have a look at documents, critical materials and video footage in French, English, Spanish, German, Chinese and Arabic.

Beginning: at 1:30 PM

Venue: Conference Hall of the Central Scientific Library of the University, Main Building, 4, Svobody Sq.

The exhibition will be open till March 5, 2014. Everyone interested is welcome to attend.

For reference. Albert Camus is a famous French writer, philosopher, playwright, publicist, one of the founders of the existentialist school of thought and laureate of the Nobel Prize for Literature (1957).