Academic work at the School of Foreign Languages

The School provides training in Foreign Philology through Bachelor’s programs (full-time – four years; part-time – five years; parallel and requalification – depending on the course of enrollment), Specialist’s programs (full-time, part-time, parallel and requalification – one year after Bachelor’s degree) and Master’s programs (full-time, part-time – one year after Bachelor’s or Specialist’s degree). Graduates from Bachelor’s programs are qualified to work with two foreign languages as teachers/lecturers or translators, and graduates from Specialist’s and Mater’s programs with two or more foreign languages are qualified to work as teachers/lecturers or translators. Full-time and part-time training is provided on budget or contract basis; parallel and requalification are provided on contract basis only.

The School of Foreign Languages prepares specialists in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Japanese. Besides foreign languages students are taught fundamental and career-oriented disciplines: Introduction to Linguistics, History of Foreign Literature, Latin, (Comparative) Lexicology, Theoretical/Comparative Grammar, (Comparative) Stylistics, Culture-Oriented Linguistics, Translation Theory and Practice, Information Science, Introduction to Literary Studies, Pedagogy, Foreign Language Teaching Methods, Speech Culture, etc. The School also teaches special courses in problems of translation and foreign philology.

Students of the School are provided access to the Central Scientific Library of Karazin University with its electronic library of editions published by the School and uploaded to the repository and virtual library of the School of Foreign Languages.

The process of education is supported by modern multimedia and technical aids. Moreover, students of the School of Foreign Languages have at their disposal two computer classes, a simultaneous translation laboratory, a methodological center, etc.

Teaching languages at the School are English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Japanese.

Reference language is Ukrainian/Russian.