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February 5, 2016

International Science Conference “Karazin Readings: Person. Language. Communication”

International Science Conference “Karazin Readings: Person. Language. Communication”

Addressing relevant issues of language representation, communication and methodology.

On February 5, 2016, the School of Foreign Languages held the XV International Scientific Conference Karazin Readings: Person. Language. Communication bringing together more than 170 scholars from Hamelin (Germany), Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Kremenchuh, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Olelsiivka (Russian Federation), Poltava, Sumy, Uzhhorod and Kharkiv.

The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Polina Guseva, welcomed those present, “This conference has long become a tradition at the School of Foreign Languages. It was first held in the middle of the previous century. Participation in such an event inspires further scientific endeavors. Today, I would like to wish the participants and guests inspiration, successful work and achievements in further research.”

The plenary meeting heard five reports by the leading scholars of the School. The further work of the conference continued within the framework of eight sections addressing the following areas of research: English language in contemporary communication space, speech universals; translation studies, linguocomparative studies, ethnolinguistics; concept and its linguistic representation; parameters, strategies and tactics of discourse, discourse pragmatics; discourse and text; text and intertext (dedicated to the 120th birth anniversary of Mikhail Bakhtin); contemporary approaches to foreign language teaching; professional training of future philologists and translators/interpreters, foreign language teaching at non-language higher educational institutions.

Program (PDF, 380 Кб)

Abstracts of reports (PDF, 25.8 Мb)

Photo Reports: