Dr in Philology, Associate professor. Full Prosfessor at the Department of Romance Philology and Translation,


  • 1980 — diploma of the School of Philology, O. M. Gorky Kharkiv State University.

Theses Defended:

  • PhD thesis: Works of José María Arguedas and Peruvian Indianism: National and Cultural Problems of a Country in the Writer’s Works (1989).
  • Dr thesis:

Professional Career:

  • 1980-1984 — lecturer, Kharkiv Polytechnic University;
  • 1984-1987 — senior researcher, USSR National Museum of Literature;
  • 1988-2012 — associate professor, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University;
  • 2001-2012 —part-time associate professor, Department of Romance Philology and Translation, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University;
  • since 2012 — full-time associate professor, Department of Romance Philology and Translation, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.


  • Historical and Philological Society of Kharkiv,
  • Ukrainian Association of Hispanists,
  • National Writer's Union of Ukraine (NSPU).


  • Over 100 publications, including one monograph and four author's chapters in the academic history of literature. Besides Ukraine, his articles are also published in Brazil, Spain, Mexico, Poland.
  • Participant and reporter at numerous international scientific meetings in Ukraine and abroad, in particular recently:
  • 50th and 53th International Congresses of Americanists (CIA), Warsaw – 2000 and Mexico – 2009;
  • І, ІІІ and IV International Congresses “Pre-Hispanic Myths in Latin American Literature”, Barcelona – 2006 and Alicante – 2011 (Spain), Lima – 2013 (Peru).

Research Interests:

ethnocultural and sociolinguistic aspects of Latin American literature development, national style in Spanish literature (over 80 scientific and educational-methodological publications).


  • Literature of Spane
  • Literary Traduction

Main Scientific Works:

  1. “Ми – світло і правда, обернені в камінь...”. Література країн Андійського регіону (Перу, Болівія, Еквадор) у ХХ столітті: Етнокультурний аспект.: монографія К.: Юніверс, 2006. 271 с.
  2. Breve sinopsis de la historia de la literatura española de la romanización hasta el siglo XIX: навчальний посібник. Х.: Видавництво НУА, 2015. 43 p.

  3. Órzhytskyi Í. Discurso identitario en la literatura ecuatoriana: entre arqueología y «Don Quijote». VI Congreso de Hispanistas de Ucrania. Actas. Lviv: Astrolabio, 2015. P.45-53.

  4. Оржицький І.О. Етно-національна й культурна своєрідність літературного процесу в країнах Андійського регіону (Перу, Болівія, Еквадор) у 20-х – 80-х роках ХХ століття: монографія. Х.: Майдан, 2016. 353 с.

  5. Cervantes y los Andes. VII Сongreso de His-panistas dе Ucrania. Actas. Lviv, Astroliabio editorial, 2016. Р. 22-31.

  6. La labor traductora de los hispanistas ucranianos en la emigración. VIII Congreso de His-panistas de Ucrania. Ac-tas. Lviv: Astroliabio Editorial, 2018. P. 148-158.

Contact Information:

Adress: 7-73, Svobody sq., 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022

Phone: (057) 707-52-65

E-mail: orzhitskiy@karazin.ua