Senior lecturer at the Department of Business Foreign Language and Translation


  • 1996–2001 — Specialist Degree in “English Language and Literature”, School of Foreign Languages, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Professional Career:

  • 2001–2011 — lecturer at the Department of Business Foreign Language, School of Economics, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University;
  • 2001–to this day — senior lecturer at the Department of Business Foreign Language and Translation, School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business.

Research Interests:
foreign language teaching methods for professional communication.


  • Business English for students of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business;
  • English for Specific Purposes (ESP) for students of the School of International Economic Relations and Travel Business.

Main Publications:

  1. Litovchenko, Y.M. (2009).Netradicionnye zadanija v processe izuchenija inostrannogo jazyka jak sposob stimulirovanija myslitel'noj dejatel'nosti studentov [ Alternative tasks in foreign language learning as undergraduates mental activity stimulation ] . Proceedings of the І І International Scientific-Methodological conference “Kognetivno-pragmatichnye issledovanija professional'nyh diskursov”[Cognitive and pragmatic research of professional discourses], Kharkiv,34-36
  2. Litovchenko, Y.M. (2013). Vidpovidal`nist` perekladacha u mizhkul`turnij komunikaciyi [ Translator’s responsibility in cross-cultural communication ]. Proceedings of the VII International Scientific-Methodological conference “Mizhkul`turna Komunikaciya: Mova-Kul`tura-Osvita ” [Cross-Cultural Communication: Language-Culture-Education] , 18-19 April 2013 Ostrig, 329–332
  3. Litovchenko, Y.M. (2015).Pereklad: Mezhi transgresy`vnosti [Translation: Scope of transgression]. Visnyk Kharkiv. nats. un-tu im. V.N.Karazina.– V.N. Karazin National Univ. Messenger, 53,39-45
Teaching Manuals:
  1. Lavrinenko I.M., Karpusenko M.V., Litovchenko Y.M., Ponikareva A.Y. (2009). BUSINESS ENGLISH: textbook for students of economics/ Lavrinenko I.M., Karpusenko M.V., Litovchenko Y.M., Ponikareva A.Y. - H .: KNU named after VN Karazin , 2009. – 203 p.
  2. Broslavska Y.M., Litovchenko Y.M.(2016). Media and Advertising:textbook for students of IER and TI / Broslavska Y.M., Litovchenko Y.M. - H .: KNU named after VN Karazin, 2016. –224p.

Contact Information

Address: room 2-2, Myronosytska St., 1, Kharkiv, 61002
Telephone: (057) 707-51-44
E-mail: dilovamova@karazin.ua