Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Purposes, PhD.


2004 - graduated from V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Faculty of Foreign Languages, English Philology Department).


2016 р. – PhD thesis in Philology, specialty – 10.02.04 “Germanic languages” “Dialohichni Vidnoshennia Zhanru Brytans’koii Fol’klornoii P’yesy (Dialogical Relations of the Genre of British Folklore Play)


2004 – 2012 рр. – Lecturer at the English Language Department, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University;

2012 – 2020 рр.– Senior Lecturer at the English Language Department, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University

2020 – 2022 рр. – Associate Professor at the English Language Department, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University

2022 – Present – Associate Professor at the Department of Foreıgn Languages for Professıonal Purposes,V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University


Text linguistics, Theory of intertextuality, Interdircoursivity, English for Special Purposes, CLIL methodolody


Practical course of English for the 1st and 2nd year students at Karazin Business School

Communicative course “English for the specialty for the 3d anf 4th year students of the Faculty of Chemistry and Karazin Business School

Special course “English for Scientists” for the 4th year students of the Faculty of Chemistry

Preparation course for post-graduate students


2015 р. – Present – Member of Ukrainian Association for Language Testing and Assessment (UALTA).


2019-Present – Member of International Organization of English teachers «TESOL-UKRAINE»

SCIENTIFIC WORK (2017 – 2022) :


1.Kholmohortseva, I. S. (2017). Intermedial’ni zapozychennia u fol’klornykh tekstakh (na materieli brytans’koii fol’klornoii pyesy) [Intermedial borrowings in folklore texts (British folk play case study)]. Open Access Peer-reviewed Journal «Science Review». 7(7). Vol.5. 20-24 [In Ukrainian].

2.Kholmohortseva, I. S. (2018). Specific features of British folk play title. Linguistic Studies. 35. 131-134. DOI:

3.Kholmohortseva, I. S. (2019). Funktsional’nyi potentsial retsypiyenta u karnaval’nomu dyskursi [Functions of the recipient in Carnival Discourse]. Nova philolohiya – New Philology. 78. 84-91. DOI: [In Ukrainian]

4.Kholmohortseva, I. S. (2020). Methods of organizing and systemizing academic and scientific information by non-linguistic students. Proceedings of “Academic and scientific challenges of diverse fields of knowledge in the 21st century”. 571-579.

5.Kholmohortseva, I. S. (2020). The category of intertextuality vs. Avant- text. Visnyk Kharkivs’koho natsional’noho universytetu. Seriya “Inozemna filolohiya. Metodyka vykladannia inizemnykh mov” – Bulletin of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Foreign Philology. Methods of teaching Foreign Languages”. 92. 52-58. DOI:

6.Kholmohortseva, I. S. (2021). The usage of cross-sense activity for developing and assessing speaking skills at ESP lessons. Proceedings of “Academic and scientific challenges of diverse fields of knowledge in The 21st century. CLIL in action». 479-484.

7.Kholmohortseva, I., Vulkova, K., Styrnik, N., Kulakevych, L., Kyrpyta, T. (2022). Prerequisites for the study of urban language and speech in the sociolinguistic aspect: on the example of the Pittsburg dialect in the USA. Ad Alta. Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. Magnanimitas, 12/01, Sp. Iss. XXV. 234-239. WEB OF SCIENCE

8.Kholmohortseva, I. S. (2022). Rol’ interdyskursyvnykh zvyazkiv u stvorenni emotyvnosti fentezi-romaniv Terri Pratchetta [Role Of Interdiscourse Relations in Creating Emotiveness in Terry Pratchett’s Fanatasy Novels]. Nova philolohiya – New Philology. 85. 298-303. DOI [In Ukrainian].


1.Kholmohortseva, I. S., Avdieienko, I. M. (2018). On Peculiarities of Choosing Supplementary Texts in ESP Classroom. Proceedings of TESOL Conference “ELT in Ukraine: New Ways to Success”. 64-66.

2.Kholmohortseva, I. S., Mironova, O. V. (2018). Classroom strategies for bilingual students. Proceedings of the 10th international scientific conference “Metodychni ta psykholoho-pedahohichni problem vykladannia inozemnykh mov na suchasnomu etapi: shliakhy intehratsiyi shkoly ta VNZ” [Current Methodological, Psychological and Pedagogical Issues of Teaching Foreign Language: Ways of Integrating School and Higher Educational Establishments]. 206-208.

3.Kholmohortseva, I. S., Avdieienko, I. M. (2019). Implementation of Place-Based Learning Principles with ESP Students. Proceedinggs of the 2019 National TESOL-Ukraine Convention “Thinking Globally – Teaching Locally”. 59-61.

4.Kholmohortseva, I. S., Baker, M. G. (2019). Communicative aspect of Bakhtinian dialogic relations in place-based learning. Proceedings of the 11th international scientific-methodological conference “Metodychni ta psykholoho-pedahohichni problem vykladannia inozemnykh mov na suchasnomu etapi: shliakhy intehratsiyi shkoly ta VNZ” [Current Methodological, Psychological and Pedagogical Issues of Teaching Foreign Language: Ways of Integrating School and Higher Educational Establishments]. 159-160.

5.Kholmohortseva, I. S., Mironova, A. V. (2019). Teaching how to make a scientific presentation for ESP students. Proceedings of the 11th international scientific-methodological conference “Metodychni ta psykholoho-pedahohichni problem vykladannia inozemnykh mov na suchasnomu etapi: shliakhy intehratsiyi shkoly ta VNZ” [Current Methodological, Psychological and Pedagogical Issues of Teaching Foreign Language: Ways of Integrating School and Higher Educational Establishments]. 161-162.

6.Kholmohortseva, I. S., Baker, M.G. (2020). Peer assessment of ESP aspect of speaking through dialogic perception. Proceedings of the 12th international scientific-methodological conference “Metodychni ta psykholoho-pedahohichni problem vykladannia inozemnykh mov na suchasnomu etapi: shliakhy intehratsiyi shkoly ta VNZ” [Current Methodological, Psychological and Pedagogical Issues of Teaching Foreign Language: Ways of Integrating School and Higher Educational Establishments]. 148-149.

7.Kholmohortseva, I. S., Avdieienko, I. M. (2020). Teaching organizing academic and scientific information with ESP students. Proceedings of Convention “25 Years of TESOL in Ukraine: Honoring the Past and Shaping the Future”. 82-83.

8.Kholmohortseva, I.S. (2020). Binarna opozytsiya yak mekhanizm diyi subyektiv karaval’noho dyskursu [Binary Opposition as a Mechanism of Actions of Carnival Discourse Subjects]. Proceedings of the 9th international distance scientific furum “Suchasna hermanistyka: mova i svit l’udyny” [Modern Germanistics: Language and World of a Person]. 121-123 [In Ukrainian].

9.Kholmohortseva, I.S. (2021). Interduskursyvnist’ yak mekhanizm katehoriyi emotyvnosti [Interdiscoursivity as a Mechanism of the Textual Category of Emotivity]. Proceedings of the 20th anniversary scientific conference “Karazins;ki chytannia: L’udyna. Mova. Komunikatsiya” [Karazin Readings: Person. Language. Communication”. 83-85 [In Ukrainian].

10.Kholmohortseva, I. S., Mironova, A. V.(2021). The role of ESP teacher in the formation of informational language environment. Proceedings of the 13th international scientific-methodological conference “Metodychni ta psykholoho-pedahohichni problem vykladannia inozemnykh mov na suchasnomu etapi: shliakhy intehratsiyi shkoly ta VNZ” [Current Methodological, Psychological and Pedagogical Issues of Teaching Foreign Language: Ways of Integrating School and Higher Educational Establishments]. 122-124.

11.Kholmohortseva, I. S. (2022). Struktura poniatiynoho komponentu FANTASY WORLD u tezaurusi anhliys’koyi movy. [Structure of Notional Component of FANTAZY WORLD in English Language Thesaurus]. Proceedings of XXV International Scientific Practical Conference “Suchasni aspekty modenrnizatsiyi nauky: stan, problem, tendentsiyi rozvytku” [Current Aspects if Science Modenization: State, Problems, Trends of Development]. 322 325 [In Ukrainian].

12.Kholmohortseva, I. S. (2022). Karnavalizatsiya khudozhnikh tvoriv Terri Pratchetta [Carnivalization of Terry Pratchett’s Novels]. Proceedings of X anniversary international distance scientific forum “Suchasna hermanistyka: filolohiya dlia zhyttia” [Contemporary Germanistics: Philology for Life]. 86-88 [In Ukrainian].


1.Kholmohortseva, I. S., Cherninko, Ye. O., Belyaeva, E. F., Zubkova, L. M. et al. (2019). GET TALKING – 2. Polots’ka, O. O. (Eds). Kharkiv : V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University

2.Kholmohortseva, I. S., Kotova, A. V., Zubkova, L. M. (2019). ENGLISH FOR PHYSICISTS (PART 1) : textbook. Kharkiv : V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University

3.Kholmohortseva, I. S., Kotova, A. V., Zubkova, L. M. (2019). ENGLISH FOR PHYSICISTS (PART 2) : textbook. Kharkiv : V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University


10-15.09.2019 – Varna University of Management, Bulgaria, the program “Higher Education Strategies for Technological Innovation in the Global Context of Changing Social Demands” (120 hours – 3,6 ETCS credits)

13.08-18.09.2021 – Fatih Sultam Mehmet University, Istambul, Turkey, the program “Moderm Media Technologies in the Context of Distance and Mixed Learning in Higher Educational Establishments” (180 hours – 6 ETCS credits)

Contact Information

Address: room 10-10, 4, Svobody Sq., Kharkiv,
Phone: (057) 707-53-50