·Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Purposes, School of Foreign Languages, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University , PhD in Political Science

·ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4134-1392


·International professional Association for teachers of English (TESOL);


·2004 — Master’s Degree with distinction from the School of Foreign Languages, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Qualification obtained: “Philologist, Teacher of English Language and Literature, Teacher of French, Interpreter of English and French.

·2011 – PhD in Political Science, Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Certificate ДК№: 002932, 22.12.2011.

·2014 - awarded with the academic title of Associate Professor of the English Language Department, School of Foreign Languages, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Certificate 12ДЦ№: 037696, 17.01.2014.

Thesis Defended:

·PhD thesis in Political Science: Electoral Technologies in Modern Electoral Process of Ukraine: Experience Reception of the USA. (Thesis advisor — Doctor of Political Science, Prof. Ihor Polishchuk, Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 2011)

Professional Career:

·2012 – present day — Associate Professor at the English Language Department (since 1.10.2022 the Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Purposes), V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

·2011 – 2012 — Senior Lecturer at the English Language Department, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University;

·2004 – 2011 — Lecturer at the English Language Department, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Research Interests:

·Methods of teaching foreign languages;

·Ethical and moral education of students and ethical competence of the modern teacher;

·Theory and methodology of professional education.


·Practical course of English for professional purposes with non-language majors. They are as follows: Computer Science, Physics and Technology, Business and Management, Accounting, Marketing, Chemistry, Physics and Energy, Sociology.

International Training and Internship:

·4.01.2021 – 22.01.2021 “Strategies for modernization of higher education in the context of a globalized world” at Varna University of Management, Bulgaria (180 hours / 6 ECTS). Certificate № 305 / 22.01.2021.

·22.01.2021 – 26.02.2021 “TESOL-Ukraine Novice Teachers’ Webinars: Teaching 4 Skills Online”, “Social Emotional Learning(40 hours).

·3 – 31.05.2022 “Sharing Context Between Cultures”, TESOL-Italy and TESOL-Ukraine Joint Project (18 academic hours)

·04 – 06.2022 “Hawaii TESOL Webinars in Solidarity with TESOL-Ukraine”, Hawaii-TESOL and TESOL-Ukraine Joint Project (12 academic hours)

·24.06.2022 – 20.08.2022 International Educational Grant # IEG/W/22/03/08 from the International Historical Biographical Institute (Dubai - New York - Rome - Burgas - Jerusalem - Beijing) within the framework of the International Educational Project “East-West” and active participation in the V International Scientific Internship Program “Nobel Laureates: Studying Experience and Professional Achievements for Forming a Successful Personality and Transforming of the World”, which took place in Dubai, Oslo, Stockholm, New York, Rome, Burgas, Jerusalem and Beijing in the amount of 180 hours or 6 ECTS credits and confirms the receipt of the qualification: “International Lecturer/ Senior Researcher”, Certificate № 8799/ August 20, 2022

List of Publications:

1.MotornyukT. Маніпулятивні технології у виборчих кампаніях. [Manipulative technologies in election campaigns.]// Bulletin of V.N. Karazin KhNU. Issues of political science. - 2007. № 760. – P. 64-69.

2.MotornyukT. Електоральний процес та політтехнології: специфіка транзитивної України. [Electoral process and political technologies: peculiarities of transitional Ukraine.] // Bulletin of V.N. Karazin KhNU. Issues of political science. - 2009. № 796. – P. 99-105.

3.Motornyuk T. Виборчі технології маніпуляцій свідомістю українських виборців у президентській кампанії-2010. [Electoral technologies of manipulating the consciousness of Ukrainian voters in the 2010 presidential campaign.]// Historical and political problems of the modern world: a collection of scientific works. - Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi National University, 2010. Vol.21–22. – P. 264-269.

4.Motornyuk T. Виборчі технології: концептуальні інтерпретації. [Electoral technologies: conceptual interpretations.]// Gilea: Scientific Bulletin. Collection of scientific papers / Head ed. V.M. Vashkevych - K.: VIR UAN, 2010. # 32. – P. 292-299.

5.Motornyuk T. Американізація політтехнологій в електоральних кампаніях України. [Americanization of political technologies in the electoral campaigns of Ukraine.] // Bulletin of Yaroslav Mudry National Academy of Law. Series: philosophy, philosophy of law, political science, sociology. - 2010. № 5. – P.179-187.

6.Motornyuk T. Виборча кампанія Б.Обами-08: тріумф технологій «нового покоління. [B.Obama's 2008 election campaign: the triumph of "new generation" technologies.] // Bulletin of Yaroslav Mudry National Academy of Law. Series: philosophy, philosophy of law, political science, sociology. - 2010. № 6. – P. 182-190.

7.Motornyuk T. Виборчі технології США: специфіка та універсальність. [Electoral technologies of the United States: specificity and universality]// Bulletin of SevNTU: Collection of scientific papers. Series: Political science. - Vol. 112.- Sevastopol. - 2010.# 112.– P. 73-78.

8.Motornyuk T. ЗМІ та Інтернет як засоби маніпулятивних технологій у виборчих кампаніях. [Mass media and the Internet as means of manipulative technologies in election campaigns.] // Modernization of the political system of modern Ukraine: state and prospects of development: Collection. of scientific works / Ed. board: H.P. Shchedrova - chairman, O.V. Novakova, F.V. Baranovskyi et al. – Luhansk: branch of V. Dal SNU, 2010. - P. 151-155.

9.Motornyuk T. Змішана система місцевих виборів в Україні: переваги та недоліки.[Mixed system of local elections in Ukraine: advantages and disadvantages.]// Modernization of the political system of modern Ukraine: state and prospects of development: Collection. of scientific works / Ed. board: H.P. Shchedrova - chairman, O.V. Novakova, F.V. Baranovskyi et al. – Luhansk: branch of V. Dal SNU, 2010. - P. 61-63.

10.Motornyuk T.До проблеми виборчих технологій. [Regarding the issues of electoral technologies]// Bulletin of SevNTU: collection of scientific papers. - Issue 123/2011. Series: Political science. - Sevastopol, 2011. – P. 231-235.

11.Motornyuk T. PR у комплексі виборчих технологій. [PR in the complex of election technologies]// Political science notes: Collection of scientific papers. Vol. 4. – Luhansk: department of V. Dal SNU, 2011. - – P. 206-214

12.Motornyuk T.Виборча стратегія Б. Обами-08: ставка на зміни та нові технології. [Election strategy of B. Obama-08: bet on changes and new technologies.] // Political science notes: Collection of scientific papers. Vol. 3. – Luhansk: department of V. Dal SNU, 2011. - – P. 185-194

13. Motornyuk T.ПолітичнімедіатехнологіївУкраїні: впливЄвропейськогодискурсу. [Political media technologies in Ukraine: the influence of the European discourse.]// Modern Ukrainian studies: scientific paradigms of language, history, philosophy. – Proceedings of the III international conference. - Kharkiv: KhNEU publishing house, 2012. - P. 251-256.

14.Motornyuk T.Політичнімедіатехнології: відвиникненнядоконцептуалізації. [Political media technologies: from emergence to conceptualization.] // Bulletin of Yaroslav Mudry National Law Academy of Ukraine. Series: philosophy, philosophy of law, political science, sociology/ edited by: A.P. Hetman and others. - Kh.: Pravo, 2012. - № 4 (14). – P. 150-157.

15.Motornyuk T. Маркетингова парадигма виборчих технологій. [Marketing paradigm of electoral technologies.]// Bulletin of SevNTU: collection of scientific papers. - Issue 136/ 2012. Series: Political Science. - Sevastopol, 2012. - P.186-190.

16. Polishchuk I., Motornyuk T. Медіатехнологіїувиборчомупроцесі: американськийдосвід. [Media technologies in the electoral process: the American experience.] // ВісникСевНТУ: зб.наук.пр. – Вип.136/ 2012. Серія: Політологія. – Севастополь,2012. - P. 190-195.

17.Motornyuk T. Використання інформаційних і комунікаційних технологій у контексті навчання англійській мові студентів ВНЗ. [The use of information and communication technologies in the context of teaching English to university students.] // Humanitarian Bulletin of Grigory Skovoroda Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical University - Appendix 1 to Vol. 27, Volume VIII (41): Thematic issue "Higher education of Ukraine in the context of integration into the European educational space". - K.: Gnosis, 2012. - P. 424-432.

18. Motornyuk T. Виборчі технології в електоральній кампанії 2011 р. у Польщі : феномен Палікота. [Electoral technologies in the 2011 election campaign in Poland: Palikot phenomenon.] Studia Politologica Ukraino-Polona. Issue 2. - Zhytomyr-Kyiv-Krakow: IE Yevenka O., 2012. - P. 95-99

19.Motornyuk T. Використання сучасних освітніх технологій у процесі викладання англійської мови студентам ВНЗ[The use of modern educational techniques in the process of teaching English the students of higher educational establishments] // Scientific notes. – Edition 119. – Series: Philological science (linguistics) – Kirovohrad: RVV KSPU named after V. Vynnychenko, 2013. - P. 341-344.

20.Motornyuk T.Компетентнісний підхід як основа формування мовленнєвих видів діяльності з англійської мови у студентів ВНЗ [Qualificative approach as the basis of forming language skill activities in English of the students of higher educational establishments] // Humanity bulletin of SHEE “Hryhorii Skovoroda Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi state pedagogical university” – Appendix 1, Edition 29, Vol. I (41): Topical edition “International Chelpanov psychological and pedagogical readings”. – K.: Gnozis, 2013. – P. 492-498.

21.Motornyuk T.Особливості політичної мови в англомовному електоральному дискурсі[Peculiarities of political language in English electoral discourse] // Scientific works of Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University: Philological sciences. Edition 32. - Kamianets-Podilsky: “Axioma”, 2013. – P. 273-276.

22.Motornyuk T.Політичний дискурс як умова формування іншомовної компетентності у студентів ВНЗ (на прикладі англійської мови)[Political discourse as condition of foreign competence formation of the students in higher educational establishments (English language basis)] // Scientific notes of Private Higher Education Institution Kharkiv University of Humanities “People’s Ukrainian Academy”/ [edited by V. Astakhov and others]. – Kh.: PUA Publishing, 2013. – Vol. 19. – P. 153-159.

23.PolishchukI.O., MaksimishynaT.M. Informational influence on the political knowledge of children in the context of the hybrid war of Russia against Ukraine/ I.O. Polishchuk, T.M. Maksimishyna // Bulletin of the Yaroslav Mudryi National University of Law. Series: Philosophy, philosophy of law, political science, sociology: collection of science pr. / editor: O. G. Danylian etc. – Kharkiv: Pravo, 2021. – No. 2 (49). –P. 139-152.

24.Polishchuk I. O., MaksimishynaT. M. Political culture of the modern world: epochal transformations./ I.O. Polishchuk, T.M. Maksimishyna // Bulletin of the Yaroslav Mudryi National University of Law. Series: Philosophy, philosophy of law, political science, sociology: collection of science pr. / editor: O. G. Danylian etc. – Kharkiv: Pravo, 2021. – No. 3 (50). –P. 139-152.

25.Maksimishyn O.V., Astapieva O.M., Starenky V.P., Maksimishyna T.M. Аналіз технологій мобільного навчання, як структури дистанційної освіти і навчання студентів вишів. [Analysis of mobile learning technologies as a structure of distance education and training of university students.] Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “World Science Problems, Prospects and Innovations”, January 27-29, 2021, Toronto, Canada - P. 769-778.

26.Maksimishyn O.V., Dmitrieva L.Yu., Maksimishyna T.M. Обґрунтування педагогічних умов ефективності використання мобільного навчання у процесі професійної підготовки студентів-медиків. [Justification of the pedagogical conditions of the effectiveness of using mobile learning in the process of professional training of medical students.] Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fundamental and Applied Research in the Modern World”, March 17-19, 2021, Boston, USA. - P. 652-660.

27.Maksimishyn O.V., Dmitrieva L.Yu., Maksimishyna T.M. Реалізації педагогічних умов використання технологій мобільного навчання у процесі підготовки студентів-медиків. [Implementation of pedagogical conditions for the use of mobile learning technologies in the process of training medical students.] Proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference “The World of Science and Innovation”, April 7-9, 2021, London, Great Britain. - P. 424-433.


·Preparation Tasks for Masters’ Exam: Textbook / A.V. Kotova, T.M. Motornyuk, O.I. Skryl - Kh.: VN Karazin KhNU, 2011. - 156 p.


·Виборчі технології в модерному електоральному процесі США та України: монографія [Electoral technologies in the modern electoral process of the USA and Ukraine: monograph]/ О.М. Кuz, І.О. Polishchuk, T.M. Motornyuk. - Kh .: PH “INZHEK”, 2012. - 256 p.

Contact Information

Address: room 10-10, 4 Svobody Sq., Kharkiv,
Phone: (057) 707-53-50
E-mail: engldpt@karazin.ua