Liudmyla ZUBKOVA

Associate Professor at the Department of English Language, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.


  • 1994 — graduation from the School of Philology, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University; speciality: Ukrainian Language and Literature, English Language.
  • Thesis Defended:

    PhD thesis in Pedagogical Studies (Methods of Teaching): “Teachers-to-Be Life Competence Formation in the Process of Professional Training in Classical Universities” (State Higher Education Establishment „Donbas State Pedagogical University”. – Sloviansk, 2017)

Professional Career:

  • 08. 1994 – 10.1994 – teacher of English, Kharkiv secondary school No.156 with extensive English learning.

    10.1994 – 09.1996 – senior lab, Department of English Language, O.M. Gorky Kharkiv State University.

    09.1996 — 09.2015 – lecturer of English, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

    09.2015 – 09.2018 – senior lecturer of English, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

    Since 09.2018 – Associate Professor at the Department of English Language.

Research Interests:

noosphere education, bioadequate methods of teaching as a means of holistic thinking, professional deformation of lecturers and means of its correction, forming life competence and integral personality in Teachers-to-Be in the process of professional training in classical universities.


  • Practical English Language for students with non-language majors.
  • Main Scientific Works:
  • 1.Zubkova, L. M. (2013). Necessity of forming life competence in the future teacher. Naukovyy visnyk Pivdennoukrayinskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu im. K. D. Ushynskoho: Zb. nauk. prats – Scientific Bulletin of the K. D. Ushinsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University: Coll. scientific works. Odesa: PNPU im. K. D. Ushyns’koho, 11–12, 121–125 [in Ukrainian].

    2.Zubkova, L. M. (2016). Determination of the essence of the concept of „life competence” and its main functions. Visnyk Dnipropetrovskoho universytetu imeni Alfreda Nobelya. Seriya Pedahohika i psykholohiya. Pedahohichni nauky: Zb. nauk. prats – Bulletin of Alfred Nobel Dnipropetrovsk University. Series: Pedagogy and Psychology”. Pedagogical Sciences: Coll. scientific works. Dnipro, 2 (12), 24–30 [in Ukrainian].

    3.Zubkova, L. M. (2014). Necessity of forming life competence in students of pedagogical universities in the process of professional training. Pedahohika formuvannya tvorchoyi osobystosti u vyshchiy i zahalnoosvitniy shkolakh: Zb. nauk. prats – Pedagogy of formation of a creative person in higher and secondary schools: Coll. scientific works. Zaporozhye: KPU, 35 (88), 171–176 [in Ukrainian].

    4.Zubkova, L. M. (2016). Determination of structural components of life competence in students of classical universities. Profesionalizmpedahoha: teoretychniymetodychniaspekty: Zb. nauk. pratsProfessionalism of the teacher: theoretical and methodical aspects: Coll. scientific works. Slov’yans’k: DVNZDonbas’kyyderzhavnyypedahohichnyyuniversytet, 4, 98–105 [inUkrainian].

    5.Zubkova, L. M. & Belyayeva, E. F. (2014).The relevance of the formation of life competence in the pedagogical process]. Istoyichni, filosofski, movniimetodologichnitendentsiyirozvytkusuchasnoyiosvíty: materialyVseukr. nauk.-prakt. konf. studentiv í molodykhnaukovtsiv (4—5 grudnya 2014) – MaterialsofAll-UkrainianScientificandPracticalConferenceofStudentsandYoungScientists (December 4–5, 2014). V.V.DokuchayevKhNAU, Kharkiv: Finart, 170–172 [inRussian].

    6.Zubkova, L. M. & Belyayeva, E. F. (2016). The actuality of formation of a coherent person in the process of professional training. Suchasnipidkhodydonavchannyainozemnoyimovy: shlyakhyintehratsiyishkolytaVNZ: materialyVIIIMizhnarodnoyikonf. (22 kvitnya 2016 r.) ­– Modern approaches to learning a foreign language: ways to integrate school and university: Materials of the VIII International Conference (April 22, 2016). Kharkiv: V. N. Karazin KHNU, 62–64 [in Ukrainian].

    7.Zubkova, L. M. (2016). Analysis of the influence of risk factors and stereotyping of the teacher’s profession in the process of training future educators. HumanitarnyyvisnykDVNZPereyaslav-KhmelnytskyyderzhavnyypedahohichnyyuniversytetimeniHryhoriyaSkovorody: Zb. nauk. prats’ – HumanitarianBulletinoftheSHEIGregorySkovorodaPereyaslav-KhmelnytskyStatePedagogicalUniversity: Coll. scientificworks. Kyyiv: Hnozys, 2016. 37 (1), II (70), TematychnyyvypuskVyshchaosvitaUkrayinyukontekstiintehratsiyidoyevropeysʹkohoosvitnohoprostoru – Thematic issue Higher Education of Ukraine in the Context of Integration into the European Educational Space”, 402–408 [inUkrainian].

    8.Zubkova, L. M. (2016). Formation of the life competence of future teachers in the classical university environment in the context of personality-activity, axiological and competence approaches. Pedahohikatapsykholohiya: Zb. nauk. pratsKhNPUimeniH. S. Skovorody – Pedagogy and Psychology: Coll. scientific works of G. S. Skovoroda KNPU. Kharkiv: Vydavets’RozhkoS. H., 54, 170–178 [inUkrainian].

    9.Zubkova, L. M. (2016). The living environment of a higher educational institution as an instrument for the formation of students’life competence. VisnykLuhanskohonatsionalnohouniversytetuimeniT. Shevchenka. Pedahohichninauky: Zb. nauk. prats’ – BulletinoftheTarasShevchenkoNationalUniversityofLugansk. Pedagogicalsciences: Coll. scientificworks. Luhans’k: 6 (303), 213–221 [inUkrainian].

    10.Zubkova, L. M. (2016). The Impact of the peculiarities of the system of teaching personnel preparation of the classical university on the process of students’ life competence formation. EuropeanHumanitiesStudies / EuropejskieStudiaHumanistyczne. Slupsk, I, 86–97 [inUkrainian].

    11.Zubkova, L. M. (2015). System thinking as an integrative component of the formation of a holistic personality. Science and Education a New Dimension: Pedagogy and Psychology. Society for Cultural and Scientific Progress in Central and Eastern Europe. Budapest, 69, 35–37 [inUkrainian].

    12.Zubkova, L. M. & Belyayeva, E. F. (2012). Formation of holistic thinking as a means of preventing the professional deformation of teachers. TeoriyatapraktykanoosfernoyiosvityvUkrayini: metod. posib. u 2 kn. – Knyha 1. Naukovitafilosofskiosnovynoosfernoyiosvity – Theory and practice of noosphere education in Ukraine: method. manual in 2 books Book 1. Scientific and philosophical foundations of noosphere education. Kharkiv: Kharkiv Regional Public Organization „Vernadsky House”, 146–152 [inUkrainian].

    13.Zubkova, L. M. (2013). Pedagogical conditions for prevention and overcoming of professional deformations in teachers of higher educational institutions. Noosfernyyrozvytoksuspilstva: Zb. nauk. prats – Noospheric Development of Society: Coll. scientific works. Kharkiv: Tochka,122–124 [inUkrainian].

    14.ZubkovaL. M. & Belyayeva, E. F. (2015).Educational environment of the classical university as an instrument for the formation of the person’s life competence. Istorychni, filosofski, movniimetodolohichnitendentsiyirozvytkusuchasnoyiosvity: materialyIIVseukr. nauk.-prak. konf. studentivimolodykhnaukovtsiv, KhNAUim. V. V. Dokuchayeva (m. Kharkiv, 3—4 hrudnya 2015 r.) – Historical, philosophical, linguisticandmethodologicaltendenciesofthedevelopmentofmoderneducation: Materialsofthe 2ndAll-UkrainianScientificandPracticalConferenceofStudentsandYoungScientists, V. V. DokuchaevKNU (Kharkiv, December 3–4, 2015). Kharkiv: FOPBrovinO. V., 145–149 [inUkrainian].

    15.Zubkova, L. M. (2017). Features of professional training of a teacher in a classical university. Metodychnitapsykholoho-pedahohichniproblemyvykladannyainozemnykhmov: shlyakhyintehratsiyishkolytaVNZ: materialyIXMizhnarodnoyinaukovo-metodychnoyikonf. (m. Kharkiv, 28 kvitnya 2017 r.) – Methodological and psychological and pedagogical problems of teaching foreign languages: ways of integration of schools and universities: Materials of the 10th International Scientific and Methodical Conference. Kharkiv: V. N. KarazinKhNU, 68–69 [inUkrainian].

Contact Information

Address: room 10-10, 4, Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, 61022
Phone: (057) 707-53-50