Notice board of the Department of English Philology

Department meeting № 11 is on March 27, 2014 (Thursday) at 12:00


  1. Reports of lecturers on methodological, research and educational activities in the 2012-2013 academic year
  2. Approval of materials of president's papers. (by heads of Departments)
  3. On the employment of alumni in 2012-2013 academic year (senior lect. V. Kukushkin)
  4. On preparing to Student sciene conferences. (lect. Yu. Klymenko, senior lect. A. Pshenychnykh)
  5. Methodical Seminar "The importance of teaching communicative behavior of the people, whose language is studied" (Assoc. prof. Yu. Matiykhina)
  6. Current works.