[Departments] => Array
[0] => /staticPages/staticPages/view
[url_name] => departments
[Department of English Philology and Foreign Language Teaching Methods] => Array
[0] => /staticPages/staticPages/view
[url_name] => english-philology
[parent_name] => departments
[Notice board (archive)] => Array
[0] => /staticPages/staticPages/view
[url_name] => notice-board-1
[parent_name] => english-philology
[grandpa_name] => departments
Notice board of the Department of English Philology
Department meeting № 11 is
on March 27, 2014 (Thursday) at 12:00
- Reports of lecturers on methodological, research and educational activities in the 2012-2013 academic year
- Approval of materials of president's papers. (by heads of Departments)
- On the employment of alumni in 2012-2013 academic year (senior lect. V. Kukushkin)
- On preparing to Student sciene conferences. (lect. Yu. Klymenko, senior lect. A. Pshenychnykh)
- Methodical Seminar "The importance of teaching communicative behavior of the people, whose language is studied" (Assoc. prof. Yu. Matiykhina)
- Current works.