Department of English Philology and Foreign Language Teaching Methods

The Department of English Philology and Foreign Language Teaching Methods was founded in October 2022 on the basis of The Department of English Philology, one of the oldest departments at the University which has existed since Kharkiv Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages was established in 1930, and the Department of Foreign Language Teaching Methods and Practice.

The main objective of training at the Department is education that combines fundamental theoretical knowledge and modern professional practices of international communication oriented to new socio-economic conditions of development in our country. The syllabi are based on the fundamental disciplines which, combined with comprehensive practical training, make it possible to train a highly qualified professional.

Today, the faculty of the Department consists of 35 members: 5 full professors, 5 doctors of Philology, 18 associate professors, 18 PhDs, 1 doctorate and 2 post-graduate students. The Department provides postgraduate programs where postgraduate and degree-seeking students continue their studies. The topics for research covered at the Department are theoretical problems of functional and communicative stylistics, cognitive linguistics, discourse analysis, non-verbal aspects of communication; study of linguistic folklore studies etc.

The Head of the Department is PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Моrozova Iryna.

The Department conducts a large amount of work on the development of conceptual approaches to the study of foreign language as the first and the second languages (full-time and part-time) for a student with further approbation in the learning process as well as the development of methods of theoretical and practical training of teachers, lectirers and translators.

The Faculty is constantly working on improvement of teaching and methodical work, developing and improving programs, supportive notes and presentations for lectures, materials and tasks for students’ self-study, methodological recommendations for them, tests, examination materials and papers, clear criteria for assessing students' knowledge, electronic versions of textbooks, programs for teaching internship, lecturing internship and graduate research assistantships.

The main duties of the Department of English Philology and Foreign Language Teaching Methods are:

  • providing high quality specialist training in English as the first and second language;
  • analysis of modern theory and practice of speech competence in training future teachers/lecturers with further approbation of modern teaching foreign languages methods in the domain of professional verbal culture of the future specialist;
  • professional organization and conduct of teaching internship for 4th year full-time and 5th year part-time students, lecturing internship for first (full-time) and second (part-time) master year, graduate research assistantships for second master year part-time students;
  • study the theoretical base of formation of students' foreign language competence and develop ways of improving the quality of professional verbal competence of graduates of higher school;
  • develop models of students’ training, where the phenomenon of speaking activities is implemented on the theoretical and practical levels;forming students' personal interest to the phenomenon of language and foreign language culture;
  • improvement of teaching subjects with the expansion of their specialization;
  • conduct of scientific research and the implementation in practical activities of future teachers and language experts in methods and didactics of higher school, basis of forming professional communication skills of teachers;

  • development of issues of gender studies and political discourse, cognitive models in the study of language and speech, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, stylistics, linguistics, pragmalinguistics;
  • development of modern technologies of interactive learning, constructive solutions to conflicts in education, phraseology, linguistics and culture studies, the study of concepts in different types of discourse;
  • study of peculiarities of comparative linguistics, cognitive linguistics, neurolinguistics, linguosynergetics, linguistics, intercultural communication theory, media linguistics and sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, stylistics, linguodidactics;
  • development of means to intensify research activities of students and young researchers;
  • conducting international research and development conferences with the stress on the diversity of linguistics, pedagogy, methodology, psychology, linguodidactics and students conferences to encourage young generation to the science;
  • encourage participation in international conference of foreign countries representatives;
  • vocational work in schools of the city and region to promote professions of teacher and translator;
  • organization and conduction of educational and organizational work with the students: Days of the Department, excursions to museums, exhibitions, performances and other;
  • organizing and conducting student competitions in English for 1-4 year full-time students courses;
  • preparation and publication of textbooks and manuals, research and other literature.

Contact Information

Address: room 7-78, 4, Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, 61022

Phone: (057) 707-55-04
