Doctor of Philology/Linguistics, Full Professor at Mykola Lukash Translation Studies Department of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.


  • 1978 — graduation from the School of Foreign Languages, O. M. Gorky Kharkiv State University (Division of Philology).

Theses Defended:

  • PhD thesis: Variability of Morphological Means of Expressing Tense and Aspectual Meanings in Modern English (Kyiv State University, 1984);
  • Doctoral thesis: A Regulative Function of Gender-Marked Language Units (Based on the Contemporary English Publicistic Discourse) (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2006).

Professional Career:

  • 1978-1979 — teacher;
  • 1979-1982 — postgraduate student, Department of Translation and English Language, Kharkiv State University;
  • 1983-1986 — lecturer, Department of Translation and English Language, Kharkiv State University;
  • 1986-1987 — senior lecturer, Department of Translation and English Language, Kharkiv State University;
  • 1987-2006 — associate professor, Department of Translation and English Language, Kharkiv State University;
  • since 2006 — full professor, Department of Translation and English Language (current name: Mykola Lukash Translation Studies Department) of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Research Interests:

  • Discourse Analysis, Cognitive Linguistics, Gender Linguistics, Multimodal Cognitive Analysis of Communication, Translation Studies
  • Alla Martynyuk has over 130 educational and methodological publications.
  • Alla Martynyuk has supervised 25 defended PhD theses

Google Academy profile


  • Comparative Grammar of English and Ukrainian;
  • Comparative Stylistics of English and Ukrainian;
  • Translation and Interpreting Practice.

Main Scientific Works:

1.Мартинюк А.П. Конструювання гендеру в англомовному дискурсі: [монографія]. Харків: Константа, 2004. 292 c.

2.Мартинюк А.П.Словник основних термінів когнітивно-дискурсивної лінгвістики:[наукове видання]. Харків: ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2012.196с.

3.Martynyuk A. Gesture-verbal utterances from the cognitive perspective // Advanced Education. 2016. № 6. С. 47–52.(Wеb of Science)

4.Martynyuk A. The art of metaphoric political insult within the cognitive framework // Language – literature – the arts: A cognitive-semiotic interface. Text – meaning – context. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2017. Vol. 14. Р. 245–260 (Scopus)

5.Martynyuk A., Ponikaryova A. Syntactic rhythm of political speeches as a psycholinguistic tool of suggestive influence // Psycholinguistics. 2018. № 24(2). С. 181–197. (ScopusQ2, Web of science)

6.Kovalenko L., Martynyuk A. English container metaphors of emotions in Ukrainian translations // Advanced Education. 2018. Vol. 10. С. 190–197

7.Martynyuk A., Meleshchenko O. Twitter-based multimodal metaphorical memes portraying Donald Trump // Lege artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow. 2019. Vol. 4(2). С. 128–167.(Webof Science)

8.Kovalenko L.,Martynyuk A. Conceptualblendingtoolsofparodytranslationanalysis // Translation today: National identity in focus. Studies in linguistics, Anglophoneliteratures and cultures. Berlin: PeterLangGmbH, 2020.Vol. 24. C. 173–182(Scopus)

9.Мартинюк А.П. Проблема смислотворення в комунікації // Вісник ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія: Іноземна філологія. Методика викладання іноземних мов. 2020.Вип. 91.

10.Мартинюк А.П., Понікарьова А.Ю. Риторичні функції сугестії як засобу сугестивного впливу// Вісник ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія: Іноземна філологія. Методика викладання іноземних мов. 2021. Вип. 94. С. 20–26.

11.Zhulavska O., Martynyuk A. English-Ukrainian translations of synesthetic metaphors // Translation Today: Translation and Power. Studies in linguistics, Anglophoneliteratures and cultures. Berlin: PeterLangGmbH, 2020.Vol. 27. P. 271–279 (Scopus)

12.Мартинюк А.П., Ахмедова Е.Д. Когнітивний перекладацький аналіз художніх порівнянь // Сognition, communication, discource. 2021. Vol. 23. P. 72–86.

13.Lukyanova T., Martynyuk A. Rational and non-rational in multi-semiotic meaning making. Text – image – music: Crossing the borders. Intermedial conversations on the poetics of verbal, visual and musical texts. Berlin: Peter Lang. Vol. 19. 2021. P. 341–355. (Scopus)

14.MartynyukA. Transition trauma metaphor in transgender narrative // East European Journal of Psycholinguistics. 2021. Vol. 8(1). P. 70-82 (Scopus Q3, Web of Science)

15.KovalenkoL., MartynyukA. Verbal, visual, and verbal-visual puns in translation: cognitive multimodal analysis. Cognition, Communication, Discourse. 2021. Vol. 22. P. 27–41

16.MartynyukA., MeleshchenkoO. Socio-pragmaticpotentialof (verbo)-visualmetaphtonymyinInternetmemesfeaturingDonaldTrump //MetaphorandtheSocialWorld. 2022. Vol. 12(1). P. 69-91. (Scopus Q1, Web of Science)

17.MartynyukA., DubtsovaO. Communicative failures presented in American comedy series analysed from a psycholinguistic perspective // Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture. 2022. Vol. 12. P. 86-100 (Web of Science, Scopus Q4)

18.Martynyuk A., Akhmedova E. (Sub)cultural specificity of fiction simile and the choice of translation strategy // Topics in Linguistics. 2022. Vol. 23(2). P. 50-62. (Scopus Q2, Web of Science).

19.ZhulavskaO., Martynyuk A. Linguaculturalisomorphism / anisomorphismandsynesthetic metaphor translation procedures. TranslationandInterpreting.2023. Vol. 15(1). P. 275–287. (ScopusQ1)

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